Thursday, 28 November 2013

The rush to Rosenberg Texas

Thursday November 28th.

Since we were still fleeing the cold (this time from Nacogdoches) it looked like a smart
move would be to head a little south of Houston...

Houston in the fog as we passed through
This could be any city but it really was Houston. Not as much fun on an expressway in a motorhome with a toad as you might think

... and find a place to hole up (please excuse the Zane Grey terminology – we are in Texas after all) in Rosenberg so Norene could double back to Costco.
Who knew that out in the middle of a pasture – the inn would be full? Appears that the “pipeline project” has all the nearby campgrounds replete with oil patch workers and that our gusty drive on the local back roads would lead to “sorry guys – we wish you had called ahead”. Say what?
So we headed south to Victoria, the next city on I59 south. After consulting Passport America’s book we decided on the Lazy Longhorn RV Park. Reasonably spacious sites with banana trees and a lovely clubhouse.

Surely banana trees are a sign of warmer weather to come
Norene comes out from under the layers today (Thursday)

Even Smiley looks warmer in the sun
We’ve had a few chilly days (avg 45F day/34 F night) but it started to turn around yesterday (Wed the 27th) and it is forecast to hit 60F today. Costco is out but we hit HEB today. Will that be enough? Stay tuned.
After a few days of mall walks at the Victoria Mall (too cold and rainy for walks outside) we finally got the sunny clear weather that we have been promised and Smileyed over to Riverside Park (beside the Guadeloupe River).

This is a Texas trail - looks like an Ontario runway
Local deer and a turkey(lower right) chance being in the open just before the American Thanksgiving. Very brave
Beautiful park. Fantastic trail – lead us to the city of Victoria RV Park – this is a great spot with a ton of big full service sites at $12(!) a night (we’re paying more than double that).

Here we met Henri and his wife from northern Quebec who are about 80 and have been RVing down here every winter for the last 21 years and are going strong. They say that the RV lifestyle is keeping them healthy. Makes a lot of sense since we’re surrounded with new people and places as we travel and it’s fun to explore (and stretch your arms without punching your partner).

Heading into the Spanish Moss
Oh yeah - now I'm confused

Victoria is another historic city with a many architecturally interesting homes and has a recommended driving tour. We’re going to combine that with our daily constitutional today so there may be interesting pictures in a day or two.

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