Monday, 24 February 2014

Rumours of my Laziness are Largely True…

Birding and Strolling at Bentsen State Park 14 January 2014

Bentsen State Park is located all of 3½ miles from our RV Park. If we didn’t have a car or bikes or legs it would be easy to explain why we only got there once . If I had to carve this blog out of granite one might understand why it took so long to tell you about our 7 mile round trip (plus park mileage). I already know you’re too smart for any of my excuses…

This used to be just another RV Park from the 60’s in the Rio Grande Valley.

If you look closely you can see vestigial campsite pull-offs (right middle)
 In 2002 it was closed to camping and designated a World Birding Centre and no longer allows vehicular traffic – just bikes, feet and chairs. 

Since the kiddie twins take a little bit of work to pack into Smiley (see title above) we decided to walk. It got a bit hot (insert smirk here) so we vowed next time to bring the bikes – if they have all 4 tires holding air. As an aside we are now up to 5 flats and 1 new back tire on the twins. A couple more flats and I’m going to get solid rubber South Texas tires for them.

Brought the new Canon Rebel T3 along and fired off a few hundred shots with the zoom lens. Got a few great shots of my shoes, hands, knees, somebody’s ear, and even a couple of birds. You can see some of the better bird shots below – your own shoes, hands, knees and ears probably look better than my photo collection.

Green Jay

Managed to get this shot on one try. (ed. note That is a bald faced lie - it took 63 shots)

Mrs. Cardinal takes the stage

Yours to figure out

More bird naming project
 I know you’re thirsting for knowledge (that is why you’re here – right?) so I added this explanatory plaque shot:

No - the plaque is crooked not the shot. Why don't you believe?
And this shot of the gift shop:

And we’ll finish up with a little entomology lesson. This is an ant condo development beside the Kiskadee Nature Trail. 

 Considering the reputation South Texas ants have for being aggressive to humans (the little buggers bite bad!) this would be a place to avoid for lunch (unless you wish to become an entrée). 

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